Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Week of Science and Nature

Last week, we had a fun day at The Ecotarium in Worcester. There were all sorts of fun exhibits for us to check out, including a special CyberChase section. And we went to a story time where they read a story about animals and then they brought out a live animal. And wouldn't you know it, it was a skunk! (His sprayer was removed) But thank goodness Daddy wasn't with us, he would've freaked and reached for his car keys. Did you know that Skunks like cherrios? Who would've thought! We also had lots of fun making all kinds of cool bubbles. And we played on the playgrounds and went on a train ride. It was a great day!
Sierra and Avery creating power on a bike

And there's the skunk

Avery was awesome at making a huge bubble all around herself

And Sierra loved the bouncy train

Avery tried to climb the rope but didn't get very far
And the Father of the Year Award goes to.....
On Saturday, Cory made good on his promise to Avery about camping out in the backyard. She was so excited!!! We were at a birthday party in the afternoon and she told EVERYONE about it. So Cory, Avery and Sierra all put up the tent and Avery got it ready with her sleeping bag and a bunch of stuffed animals and her special flashlight. And after bathtime, Avery and Cory headed outside in thier cozy pajamas with a stack of books. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy night so they couldn't do any star gazing and there was no roasting of marshmallows like Avery had envisioned, but she loved every minute of it just the same!
Getting the tent ready

Sierra and Avery taking it for a test run

Daddy and Avery right before nodding off to Dreamland

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I hsve fond memories of camping out in my backyard! Great job, Cory! :)
