Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day Parade

Today was Spencer's Veteran's Day Parade and Avery's Girls Scout Troop was asked to march in it. She was so excited!!! It was a perfect day for a parade, about 60 degrees and most of the snow is gone. It was a short parade but Avery still saw some of her friends from school along the way. She loved it! 
Avery and her troop making their way down Main Street


The First Snow Storm

 This past week, we had a November Nor'Easter, the first snow of the year. We got about 4 inches of snow that was perfect for making a snowman, snowballs, snow angels, and sledding! We had so much fun, even though Avery had to wear her rain boots because she didn't have snow boots yet. Oh well, she wasn't complaining!
Sierra's favorite thing...eating snow!

 Avery getting ready to take a ride!
Avery, Sierra, and their friend, Lauren piled on the snow tube!


Once again, our trick or treating was postponed a few days. Luckily, we had not decorated our pumpkins yet, so that made for a fun Halloween activity. And after that we made mummy hot dogs with Gramma. It was a pretty fun halloween even without all of the candy!
Posing among our beautifully spooky pumpkins

 Our mummy hot dogs were yummy!
 We got a lot of compliments on our awesome Halloween decorations!
Two days after halloween, Princess Peach, Mario & Luigi were ready for some trick or treating!