During Nana and Grandpa's visit, we spent a day at the beach in Rhode Island. Across the street from the beach was a small water slide park. We spent the morning there before heading to the beach. The girls had a blast on the water slides. Sierra was only able to ride one of the slides but she was in her glory. After every time, she'd say, "I wanna do that again!" Avery was able to ride all of the slides by herself. And she didn't miss one, not even the super big one that went really fast! I went on it once with her and I seriously thought my ear drums were going to pop because I was going so fast. And I was really nervous that I no longer had a bathing suit on after I plunged into the pool. She is crazy!
After a nice lunch we hit the beach. Nana and Grandpa bought Avery a boogie board, so she was "surfing" all day. And Sierra loved playing in the sand with Nana. It was a great beach day! There were even a few rides the girls got to go on before we went out for a nice dinner.
The Big Water Slide (Avery is on the left)