Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Day at the Beach

During Nana and Grandpa's visit, we spent a day at the beach in Rhode Island. Across the street from the beach was a small water slide park. We spent the morning there before heading to the beach. The girls had a blast on the water slides. Sierra was only able to ride one of the slides but she was in her glory. After every time, she'd say, "I wanna do that again!" Avery was able to ride all of the slides by herself. And she didn't miss one, not even the super big one that went really fast! I went on it once with her and I seriously thought my ear drums were going to pop because I was going so fast. And I was really nervous that I no longer had a bathing suit on after I plunged into the pool. She is crazy!
After a nice lunch we hit the beach. Nana and Grandpa bought Avery a boogie board, so she was "surfing" all day. And Sierra loved playing in the sand with Nana. It was a great beach day! There were even a few rides the girls got to go on before we went out for a nice dinner.
The Big Water Slide (Avery is on the left)
Avery coming down the slide on the left

Cory and Sierra sliding down

Avery & Nana relaxing beachside

Avery having fun surfing

Sierra in the sand with Nana

Davis Farmland

We had a fun day at Davis' Farmland with Nana and Grandpa. We had a great time checking out all of the farm animals. And we were able to feed them and brush and pet some of them. The girls also had fun playing in all of the playground areas and the bounce house. And finally, we ended the day in the Spray and Splash area. The girls especially loved the bubble bath and the big slip and slide!
Sierra petting a baby cow

Avery getting some love from a baby goat

Avery in the Big Bubble Bath

Sierra and Avery getting a pony ride

Sierra's cheesy smile for her first pony ride

The girls got to paint their own faces

Posing with Nana and Grandpa

Father's Day

Here are some pictures from Father's Day. It was the day after Sierra's Birthday Party, so she was not feeling well. But, we had a nice, relaxing day with Nana and Grandpa. And we had our Second Annual Father's Day Lobster Bake, that was delicious!
Cory with his girls
Avery playing with the lobsters

Sierra's Third Birthday

Better late than never! Here are some pictures from Sierra's third birthday party. Since we did a Dora party last year, we decided to go with The Little Mermaid theme because she also loves mermaids. But when we went to pick out her cake, there was a fancy Dora and Diego cake in the display case that she just couldn't pass up. It was a beautiful day out for the party and Sierra had a great time playing with all of her friends. In fact, she had so much fun that she, literally, could not get off of the couch the next day. She was so exhausted from partying!
Sierra and Avery with The Dora Cake
Pinata Time
Nana with her girls
Sierra opening her presents
Sierra trying out her new roller skates
And her new big girl bike