I am very proud to announce that Sierra is officially potty trained!! We have been working on it for the last several weeeks, but last week it just clicked. She is now wearing her Dora and Ariel underwear all day and she goes all by herself whenever she needs to. She still wears a Pull-Up at night, although I'm not sure why because she is dry every morning. She even got up the other morning and went potty all by herself and then went right back to bed. So I am sure we will be ditching the Pull-ups any day now! Yeah Sierra!!
Avery also had a good weekend last week. At soccer, she scored seven goals! She was so excited. I did think to try to get her to pass the ball to her teammates but they just kind of stood there, so I just let it go. We did explain the term "Ball Hog" afterwards.
Then, on Sunday, she tried riding her bike without the training wheels! She did great for her first time! Her balance needs a little work. And we have a little bit of a focus problem. She was more interested in watching butterflies and bugs fly around, than paying attention to what she was doing. But she had fun and she didn't fall, so I think we might be trying again soon.
Daddy & Avery taking the training wheels off
Here she goes!