Saturday, June 6, 2009

On Golden Pond

Avery went on a "Pond Walk" this week with her school. Sierra and I were invited to go along as well. I was so excited to go because I have been so curious about how Avery interacts at school. Avery made it very clear that she did not want me to go to school with her, but too bad. The pond is right on the school's premises so it was just a 5 minute walk to get there. All the kids had on their boots and play clothes and had their nets in tow, hoping to catch a frog or some bugs or something. At first all the kids were really good and stood right along the shore line but by the end of the morning they gradually made it to knee deep water and the teachers were calling for them to move back. Avery's teacher, Miss Tammy was really good at catching frogs and she caught about 10 of them. She gave the kids turns at bringing the frogs to the buckets which of course Avery was one of the first in line. But, Avery was very bummed that she didn't catch a frog herself.

Avery was very social with the other kids, although I don't think she knows many of their names. At one point, I heard her yell out "Hey guys, come see what I found over here", proudly showing off a big rock she found. I also got to see a boy named Brady, who Avery has been talking about A LOT lately. At one point towards the end of the morning when Avery's boots and socks were soaked and she was getting tired and maybe a little bored, she sat down on the ground claiming she was done. As I went to sit down next to her , she saw Brady walk past and she suddenly perked right up and said, "Or, maybe I'll just go over there." Oh my God, she's only 3. Is she supposed to be noticing boys already??? And I thought it was so cute when she had a crush on Diego. We are in trouble!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Walk This Way

Sierra has started to walk while holding onto our hands. She is doing so great and she loves that she can do it. We'll see if she follows in Avery's footsteps and is walking by her first birthday. I can't believe she will be one in less than three weeks. My, how time flies when you're having fun!

Avery is officially potty trained. She has worn big girl underwear to bed the past three nights with no accidents. Yeah, no more pull-ups!! Now maybe we can afford to buy our kids some more toys. Yeah right, just kidding!

Avery has also made some new friends this week. Yes, those are caterpillars. In case you didn't know, I HATE caterpillars. And , of course, Avery was, at first, a little nervous about holding them. So I had to put my heebie jeebies aside to help her (I've still got that itchy, creepy, crawly feeling just thinking about it). But once I helped her she had the two biggest caterpillars I have ever seen crawling all the way up her arm. Yuck!! But she loved it and now if Gracie's not around all she has to do is go out into the yard to find some playmates. We are going on a "Pond Walk" with her school on Thursday to look for bugs and frogs and such. I have a feeling we will have an especially hard time getting her to want to come home after that. I'll let you know how it goes.