We had a great Memorial Day weekend! It was beautiful here and we had a lot of fun hanging out with friends and playing outside. We even went on a family hike. It was Sierra's first hike, although she was just along for the ride, I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it.
Avery is finally warming up to the idea of having a sister. She always wants to help me feed Sierra. And they actually have a lot of fun playing together. Avery likes to try to
get Sierra to "chase" her. Sierra loves it, she just laughs and squeals. Avery has even given Sierra a nickname, Sierra Beara. She is becoming such a great big sister. Although I am a little afraid of some of the things she will teach her little sister. For example, Avery has started scaling the sides of her swing set. Gee, I wonder where she gets that from? Meanwhile, Sierra just sits in her swing watching and you can tell she is just itching to do it herself.
One thing Sierra has recently learned from her big sister is how much fun it is to play in the dirt. She loves it (apparently she even loves the taste of it) and gets very upset when Mommy tries to steer her away from it. We never would have thought having two
girls that we would have the two dirtiest kids on the block. Sierra also started waving over the weekend. Of course, she waves with her hands facing her and she does both hands at the same time so she looks like she's milking a cow, but it is so cute and she is so proud of herself. She also started giving kisses today. So far she has only given them to Mommy (her favorite person in the world) but I'm sure Daddy and Avery will be getting smothered with them in no time. We will have to work on her technique a little though, because they are wide, open mouth kisses, but it is the sweetest thing!
Speaking of the sweetest thing, this morning Avery was trying to make a heart shape with her hands and after I showed her how to do it, she did it herself and said "Mommy, you make my heart so happy". Doesn't that just make it all worth while!